+7 (495) 797-20-77 (ПН-ПТ 10:00-19:00)


1. Why are works of Chagall and Warhol in your gallery suspiciously cheap?

The reasonable price is explained by the fact that although these are original author's artworks, they are made not in a single copy but in limited edition. Such works are sold at auctions and in galleries in America and Europe for comparable money.

2. Does it turn out that this is not the original, as there are many copies of the artwork?

No, of course it is the original author's work. But you probably have in mind that they are not unique. This is true. They've got brothers and sisters. But circulation is limited, the quantity doesn't grow. And most of these works have already been allocated for the collections.

3. Why do different works from the same series have different prices?

Usually this is due to the plot. More popular and demanded, if you will, more commercial plots are more expensive. As the demand for them is bigger. And vice versa.

4. How important is the author's handwritten signature on paper?

The work, signed by the author is more expensive. Part of the edition is signed by the artist, depending on the agreement with the publishing house, at that the signed sheets are identical to the unsigned ones. Works signed by the author, are more expensive. Still unsigned lithographs are also are authentic if they are issued within the framework of the authorized edition.

5. Can I resell an artwork?

Yes. Works are liquid, they can be sold in Russia and abroad. You are free to look at the sites of leading auctions (for example, Sotheby's and Christie's), how they sell limited edition works of authors presented in our gallery. Actually limitied edition graphics is the biggest and most popular segment in the global art market.
Buying lithography in a safe place, with good history, you will always be able to sell it at auctions, in galleries, or through the Internet. Eventually lithography will only increase in cost.

6. Will you take on the commission a work bought from you if I want to sell it?

Yes, we offer this assistance to our customers. Many of the works presented in the gallery are taken exactly on the commission.

7. How do you guarantee the authenticity of the offered works?

We are specialists and check the commercially available products in the official catalog. Most items have accompanying confirming certificates. All works have reliable provenance. In addition, we issue a self-signed certificate, proof of purchase in our gallery, and authenticity of the work.

8. Why shouldn't I buy on Ebay, Amazon?

At these sites, there is no real guarantee of authenticity. That is why sellers of counterfeit paintings and drawings, including limited edition graphics have loved them. The risks are very high, because it is difficult for a layman to determine the authenticity of the photograph on the screen. And it is not the fact that you will be sent an original and not a work that just looks lithe the original.

9. How do I store the artwork?

For the hanging it is necessary to choose a place with a minimal amount of light - up to 70 lux. When making work mat and prints, you should use the museum glass (UV protection), the museum board (maintaining antibacterial environment necessary for the paper), and place the work in a place where there are no bright light and direct sun rays.

10. Where have you got the artworks from?

Works have been bought either in famous European galleries or at the auctions (Christie's, Sotheby's). Some of the items are taken on consignment.

11. Where can I make the expertise?

Well, you're absolutely crazy. Technological expertise for limited edition graphics is not usually done. If you strongly desire, you can get art expert conclusion or consultation with relevant experts in Russia or abroad. Expert conclusions from the funds of specific artists (such as Chagall Committee) have highest authority.
But usually for limited edition graphics certificates of authenticity provided by the gallery, and documents proving the purchase are enough. A separate expertise of the available graphics is rarely done - for economic reasons. Study in advance the object and the accompanying documents. In case of doubt it is better to abstain from the purchase.

12. What if the expertise of the profile expert will show that the lithograph is not authentic?

Bring the expertise, we will investigate. Such situation is extremely unlikely, the gallery guarantees the authenticity. Nevertheless, there is only one way out of this very unlikely situation - money back.

13. Isn't it easier for me to buy graphics abroad? So in fact will it be cheaper?

If less, it is not dramatically. Graphics market in America and Russia have similar pricing. Another thing is that to find the same things there may be not easy for you. You will not always find similar prints for free sale.

14. Why is it so expensive? This is not a painting.

It depends how to compare. Paintings of Chagall and Dali are worth many hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, depending on the period. Warhol painting is worth tens of millions of dollars. Limited edition graphics is the only way to buy original works of art of the first names for the relatively affordable money.
The names of the artists represented in our gallery refer to global values that have long conquered the art market and are appreciated around the world. It's kind of a brand that guarantees the liquidity of your investments and says about the high status of the owner of an artwork.

15. What is lithography? Is it a copy or reproduction of the artwork by the same authors?

Lithography - a technique of limited edition graphics when the artist creates a work on the stone (or metal plate), in the case of color lithography, lays out the color composition on a few stones, followed by printing from stones (metal) on the paper. Lithography - a very complex and time-consuming technique, so the authors do not resort to it to create a reproduction of his own work, but refer to this technique, if it is required by their creative idea, so the author's lithographs around the world are considered to be equal works of art, along with canvases and drawings.


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